Our Clinic

Prostaterisk.ca was created by Dr. Robert Nam, MD FRCSC, a urologic oncologist, and an international expert in prostate cancer, and BPH with extensive experience with REZUM™ and Nanoknife. He is a Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto and runs a large clinical practice at a university-based centre in Toronto.  He has conducted extensive research in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer and other conditions of the prostate such as BPH. He has given numerous lectures on prostate cancer at national and international meetings and universities. Dr. Nam’s clinical practice mainly consists of treating patients with urologic cancers and men with BPH.  He performs the highest volume of the REZUM™ and Nanoknife procedure in Canada and has been designated as a Rezum Centre of Excellence by the manufacturer, Boston Scientific.  He also holds a consultant position with Angiodynamics who are the manufacturer of Nanoknife IRE and is a designated Nanoknife System Case Observation site by Angiodyamics.  (AngioDynamics does not endorse, sponsor, or recommend Dr. Nam’s services and Dr. Nam’s services are not considered by AngioDynamics to be superior to any other health care professionals’ services.)